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Online Classes through Zoom

Both Group and Private instruction available

We are developing online classes so that no matter where you are, you can enjoy dance lessons, even in the comfort of your own home. Developed as a response to the social distancing rules instated for COVID-19, we have taken to the internet to bring the joy of dancing to your homes or wherever you go! 


What you will need:

  • A space to move at least one step in all 4 cardinal directions (Forward, Backward, Left, and Right)

  • Access to the internet through a phone, computer, or other electronic device

  • A way to show yourself through online meeting calls, including but not limited to your phone's built-in, forward facing camera; a built-in laptop camera; or a webcam attached to your device (optional but preferred)


For private instruction, a way to show yourself to your instructor is necessary.


Our group class schedule can be found below with links to the signup page for each class.


Schedule for the duration of April 25th-30th:


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