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Introductory Special

$55 for 5 hours of dance:
2 half-hour private lessons, 1 group class, and 1 practice party

**Scroll down for further details**

**Shall We Dance? packages are priced per individual OR couple**


***The first appointment should be scheduled through the studio directly***



We know that learning how to dance is a new and unique experience for most people. For you to
feel comfortable with the process, it is important for you to have the chance to spend some time in
the studio to determine whether dancing at Shall We Dance? is the right choice for you.


We teach with a combination of three different types of lessons as this is the fastest and most
effective method for learning how to dance. The following descriptions illustrate how the lessons
work together.


​Private lessons
A private lesson is a one-on-one lesson with an instructor in which you will learn everything that you need to
know to be comfortable with your dancing. Not only will you learn the patterns, but you will also learn
about the leads and follows, the music, the techniques, and the style that will make your dancing look and
feel great.

These lessons are the most important part of your dancing instruction, and are comparable to private
instruction for activities like golf or tennis. These lessons should be taken at least once a week.

Group classes
A group class is a class with one instructor and several students. In a group class you will learn three or four
patterns in one or two dances over the course of an hour. The purpose of the group class is twofold: one,
you will learn patterns that will save time on your private lessons. When you use class time this way, you
can then spend the valuable time on your private lessons making the patterns better. Two, you will have an
opportunity to dance with other people in the class which will help to develop your leading or following
skills, especially if you have a regular partner.

The group classes will help to speed your progress and are an extremely useful addition to your private
lessons. These can be taken at your convenience but are most useful at once per week or twice per month.

Practice parties
A practice party is simply a fun evening of dancing. We put on the music and give you a chance to get out
on the floor and try out what you have learned. A practice party is a very low-key environment to learn and
practice in. Since everyone at the party is a dance student, you experience no performance pressure as you
experiment with your dancing in a group setting.

It’s a party! But it’s also necessary preparation for dancing out in public away from the learning
environment. These also can be attended at your convenience, but the more often, the better!

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Shall We Dance?

2260 W. Main St

Norman, OK 73069

(405) 801-3308

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